I made a goal when I started this blog to get something up at least once a week. Moving cross country dealt a blow to that goal last fall. Now we're moving again. We just closed on a lovely house in Boulder, which we will stay in
forever (maybe at least 10 years). But it means moving one more time and renovating the house (and still selling the albatross in MA).....
We should be all moved in by end of March, so hopefully I can sew regularly again then.
Meanwhile, here's a picture of me on a
Segway or "robot scooter" as Connor calls them:

Really - I was laughing the whole time, despite my face in the photo. They are so darned cool, I'd give up buying fabric and yarn for a year to buy one.
We went to a robot exhibition in London, where they had some great stuff. I do miss being near a real city (sorry Denver). But it is home.