Pattern: "Jatta" by Norah Gaughan.
Yarn: Elann Peruvian Highland Wool, felted (& roving for needle felting)
Lining: Amy Butler cotton
This was my first felting project and it sat uncompleted for almost a year, because I was to chicken to try needle felting.
Needle felting is both easier and harder than it looks. Easy to do and hard to make perfect.
It takes quite a few needle pounces to secure the roving and this can create 'bruised' fabric. I think this is another reason that it's recommended to turn the fabric over and pounce the design from the back - to make it flat again.
Also, (and this is pretty obvious) the roving, once it's felted into the fabric, takes up a smaller area than as free roving. So, you have to figure on the design, eg the petals, becoming smaller once it's felted.
Of course, you can needle felt onto any wool fabric. I practiced on some worsted wool coating (with some nylon content) and it looked really beautiful. It's definitely a lovely add-on for fabric embellishment, on lapels or pockets, or bags.