I'm, I guess, content with my bag. It looks good and is functional, but I get so frustrated by the 'home-sewn' quality of notions that I can get my hands on and my lack of experience sewing bags finely. My bags always look home-sewn to me. Gah!
I think it's a combination of materials chosen, notions available, sewing machine techniques and pressing equipment. I've seen a very few beautifully sewn bags on PatternReview, but they've been rare. I just wish I could make that skill leap.

Happy things instead.

I've been gathering Rowan yarns for a Kaffe Fassett cardigan from Rowan 31. This is it on Ravelry. It's a lovely combination of wide stripes of purples and reds. A lot of the colors are discontinued, so I'm approximating madly.
They're like candy kisses.