Saturday, June 16, 2007

Estes Wool Market

There were the mountains. There were furry, sofffft, goofy looking critters,

lots of them, in different sizes;

fun things to try: now my son knows how to weave, (I don't);

and a modest numbers of yarn stalls. This was my loot for about $140. Worsted wool/mohair/silk in black, kid mohair in red and alpaca in darkest walnut:

They're all soft and luscious and going straight into stash until I can figure out what to knit.


  1. That looks like such a fun event. And those yarns....*yum*!!

  2. Thanks Leslie. The mohair yarns are actually from Texas - Brooks Farms. They had some lovely eye candy.

  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    That yarn is gorgeous! Looks like you had a fun time.
